8:00 - 18:00

Schedule Monday. - Friday.

(+257) 22 21 29 02

Contact Us


Mr Emmanuel Hakizimana

D.Nzemba & Associates > Mr Emmanuel Hakizimana

Partner Mr Emmanuel Hakizimana is a Senior lawyer who joined the Law Firm since 2001 .
He is a member of different organizations such like Burundi Bar Association and  East African Law Society (EALS) which groups the Bars Associations of  East African Community (EAC).
He has an LL.B Degree at the University of Burundi (1991) and a Masters Degree in Human Rights
and Peaceful Conflicts Resettlement issued by the same University and the UNESCO Chair in Bujumbura, 2009.
Emmanuel  is a former judge and legal advisor in  the Ministries of Justice, Home Affairs and Repatriation for more than 10 years. He has already assisted and represented various clients in different  Burundian  courts such as individuals, companies, associations and many non governmental organizations(NGOs).His particular interest is  labor law , commercial law , civil law, intellectual property, insurance law, transport ,mining law etc. .
He speaks, writes and understands perfectly, French, English, Swahili and Kirundi

Contact Us:

Phone : (+257)75 75 07 07/

(+257) 22 21 29 02

